IBM Books

Nways Manager for AIX Version 2.0 Installation Guide

Configuring Nways Manager Applications

This section describes any additional configuration steps that you need to perform after installing Nways Manager for AIX.

Java-Based Device Management

Nways Manager Element Manager supports the following IBM networking hardware:

Note:For the most up-to-date information on hardware supported by Nways Manager Element Manager, see our Web page at:

These device managers consist of Nways Web pages (both HTML and Java) and can be used at the local management workstation or from JDK 1.1.5-compliant Web browsers running on any platform from anywhere in your enterprise.

Accessing the Java-Based Device Manager Helps

The Java-based managers use a Web browser to display their HTML help panels. If the Web browser is installed in a directory that is not included in the search path, then you will not be able to access the online help. The installation program assumes that you are using Netscape as your Web browser.

To use a Web browser other than Netscape or to specify a browser that is not in the search path, edit the /usr/CML/JMA/java/websvr/properties/BrowserApplet.txt file and specify the fully qualified name for the Web browser on the following line:


About Device Configuration Programs

Some IBM networking products include a configuration program. Nways Manager allows you to launch these configuration programs from the device's JMA.

In order to launch the configuration program from the JMA, Nways Manager must know the location of the configuration tool on the network management workstation. For configuration tools shipped after July 1998, this information is automatically updated when the configuration tool is installed.

To locate older versions of configuration tools, Nways Manager includes the Config Tool Locator, which locates existing versions of configuration tools already installed on the network management workstation. You should run the Config Tool Locator when you install Nways Manager, and again after each installation of a configuration tool that originally shipped prior to July 1998.

To run the config tool locator, from SMIT, select

Nways Campus Manager->Configure->Config Tool Locator

If the Config Tool Locator is unable to find a configuration tool that is loaded on the network management workstation, you can add the location of the program to the list of known programs using the following procedure:

  1. Locate the correct configuration tool (cfg.exe or file) on the network management workstation and note the file size.

  2. Check the Config Tool Locator's file (located in the directory /usr/CML/JMA/java/fixcfg) to ensure that the size of this configuration tool is unique.

  3. Add a new entry to the file, using existing entries as a model.

  4. Rerun the Config Tool Locator

  5. Restart the JMA

Accessing the Device Managers from a Web Browser

There are three basic components involved in Web browser-based access to the device managers:

Nways Manager Workstation

The Nways Manager maintains the Nways Web pages that are sent from the Web server to the Web browser clients.

Web Server

You can run Java device management applications in client mode on stations connected to the network management station without configuring a Web server, but for true intranet access through a Web browser, you must configure your Web server to locate the Nways Java Management Web pages subdirectory.

Web servers supported for the Nways Web access include:

On the network management station, you must:

  1. Assign a new port number for use by the HTTP server higher than 8000. (The default value is 80.) This action adds an additional level of security to Web browser access, and prevents port conflicts with other applications using the server.

  2. Assign an alias or logical name to the directory in which the HTML pages are stored on the management system. The Nways Web pages are stored in:

  3. Verify that the properties assigned to this directory by the server include allowing Web browser access. Consult your Web server documentation for more information on how to do this.

Web Access for ATM Manager

Before you can use the ATM Manager via a Web browser, you must configure your Web server. The following configuration for the Lotus Domino server can be used as a guide if you are using another server.

  1. Enter the following commands in the configuration file of your Web server, making sure that the two "Pass" statements are entered in this order:
       Exec           /atm-bin/*      /usr/CML/ATMWEB/bin/*
       Pass           /atm-html/*     /usr/CML/ATMWEB/html/*
       Pass           /*              /a directory path/*

  2. Reset the Web server by entering the appropriate command; for example:
       refresh -s httpd

Web Browser Compliant with JDK 1.1.5 or Later

Java support comes with your browser. The Web browser can dynamically load the Java application.

Java communication uses the IP host name and not the IP address, therefore both the client and server need the correct host names to which they are communicating. If the client is dynamically assigned an IP address, ensure that this IP address is associated with your client's IP host name. This process works correctly with Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).

If your client uses the PPP protocol to connect to the server, the client will be dynamically assigned both an IP address and an IP host name. In this situation, Windows(R) 3.x, Windows NT(R), or Windows 95) do not provide the correct IP host name to the Java applications running in the client. Hence, the Java applications will not provide the correct IP host name to the server and the server will not be able to send asynchronous (unsolicited) events to the client. To correct this problem, change the IP host name on the Windows client to the value "localhost" for the PPP connection's TCP/IP protocol. The Java code in the Windows client will then provide the server with the correct (dynamically assigned) IP host name.

When you access the Nways Web pages, your browser may ask if you want to allow unsigned applets. To use the Web functions of the Nways Manager, you must allow unsigned applets.
Note:If you are using the HotJava(TM) Browser, you must start it using the following parameters:
hotjava -mx64M

Remote Distributed Intelligent Agents (DIAs)

The Element Manager provides DIAs that can be placed in remote Java-enabled workstations to off-load performance management polling for these device managers.

The recommended JDK for use with the DIAs is 1.1.6.

Refer to the following readme file for complete instructions:


DB2 Universal Database

Performance management for these device managers uses a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)-compliant database. For your convenience, DB2 Universal Database(R) is provided.

You will need to create a database instance that can be accessed using JDBC by the device managers. The following steps show how to do this using DB2(R) (the concept is the same if you are using another JDBC-compliant database, but you will need to refer to that database's instructions): Before installing DB2, create the following AIX group and user definitions using the SMIT -> Security and Users menu:

After you have completed these changes, use the following commands to confirm the correct settings of the new group and users:

lsgroup nwaysdb2
lsgroup system

All three users should show up as users in both groups.

  1. After you have created these users, select passwords for them and log in as each user to change the temporary status of the root-generated ones. You will need these passwords when configuring DB2, so be sure to write them down.

  2. To begin the installation, mount the CD using the following command:

    mount -r -v cdrfs /dev/cd0 /mnt
    You can install using SMIT or the db2setup script included on the CD. Installing using the script assists you in selecting the components to install and allows you to set up users during installation.

  3. Change directory to the mount point and run the script db2setup.

    Select the Universal Enterprise Database option to install. You can select only one major product group.

    Use the spacebar to choose options. When you have completed a panel click OK.

  4. After the installation is set up, you are asked whether you want to create the Instance and Administrative Server. Select Instance, then click Customize to set up the server. For the Instance user, use nwaysdb2 as the user name, nwaysdb2 as the group, and the password you configured earlier.

    Click OK when you are done.

  5. You are then prompted to configure another user. Enter the same user you entered above. This is referred to as the fence user.

  6. Use the same procedure to configure the Administrative Server, using nwaysadm as the user name and nwaysdb2 as the group.

  7. After creating the user, check the ownership of the nwaysdb2.profile. If ownership is not assigned correctly, logon as root and change the ownership of the $HOME/.profile:
    cd /home/nwaysdb2
    chown nwaysdb2:nwaysdb2 .profile
    Note:The next two steps refer to the application of a PTF to DB2. You must apply this PTF before configuring DB2 for use with Nways Manager.

    If you choose not to install the PTF now, you can skip the next two steps and complete the installation. If you install the PTF at a later date, you must then rebind the DB2 files.

  8. If you are using Version 5 of IBM DB2 Universal Database, you must use release 2 or later (Version 5.2 or later). If you received Version 5.0 with Nways Manager, apply FixPak 6 to upgrade to Version 5.2. You may also want to apply subsequent FixPaks as a maintenance measure.

    In the United States and Canada, call 1-800-237-5511 to request the DB2 APAR. Outside the United States and Canada, contact your country support representative.

    You can also download the APAR at:

  9. Add the following line to nwaysdb2's profile after the existing PATH statements:
    . sqllib/db2profile

  10. Activate the new profile using the .profile command.

  11. Execute the following command to automatically start the instance on reboots:
    db2set -i nwaysdb2 DB2AUTOSTART=YES

  12. Start the DB2 instance:

  13. Start the Command Line Processor (CLP):

  14. At the CLP prompt, enter:

  15. After the database is successfully created, enter:

  16. Log in as root and, if the directory /usr/CML/JMA/java/websvr/code was not created during Nways Manager Installation, create it.

  17. Move the DB2 JDBC drivers into the Nways class path using the following commands:
    cd /usr/CML/JMA/websvr/code
    jar -xvf /usr/lpp/db2_05_00/java/

  18. Modify the existing PATH statement in /etc/environment to include:

  19. Add the following lines to /etc/environment:

  20. In /etc/inittab, move the following line:
    rcdb2:2:once:/etc/rc.db2 > /dev/console 2>script
    immediately before the line equivalent to:
    rctcpip:2:wait:/etc/rc.tcpip > /dev/console 2>script

  21. Reboot the machine for the modifications to take effect.

  22. Ensure that the Nways Manager daemons are running and then start the Nways Manager Performance Management Configuration application by selecting IBM Nways Java->Performance Configuration from the NetView Tools menu, or by issuing the following command:

  23. From the Performance Management Configuration window, select the Database tab. There are 4 fields in this window. Two are filled for DB2. The third and fourth fields are UserId and Password, which can be ignored.

    The dpadmin and dpconfig screens show the polling list, templates, reports, and other features. Once the collection is started, you can close this window and the collection will continue running. To stop the collection, reopen this window and click on Stop Collection.

In addition to DB2, IBM has successfully tested JPM with the following databases:

Stopping Automatic Polling

If you do not need to collect performance statistics, you can reduce the workload of the Nways Manager workstation and eliminate some network traffic by turning off performance polling.

To do this:

  1. Stop the JMA server using the command:
       ovstop JMAintegrator

  2. Edit the file /usr/CML/JMA/java/properties/JdmServerProtperties.txt to change the section:
    # The services property identifies the service classes to be started
    # when the JDM server is started.
    #        ibm.nways.jdm.TrapCatcher               \
    services=ibm.nways.jdm.RemoteModelFactoryManager \
             ibm.nways.jdm.modelgen.InstrContextFactoryMgr    \
             ibm.nways.jdm.SnmpService               \
             ibm.nways.jdm.browser.BrowserService    \
             ibm.nways.perfhook.PerfService          \
             ibm.nways.jdm.traceroute.TraceRouteService \


    # The services property identifies the service classes to be started
    # when the JDM server is started.
    #        ibm.nways.jdm.TrapCatcher               \
    #        ibm.nways.perfhook.PerfService          \
    services=ibm.nways.jdm.RemoteModelFactoryManager \
             ibm.nways.jdm.modelgen.InstrContextFactoryMgr    \
             ibm.nways.jdm.SnmpService               \
             ibm.nways.jdm.browser.BrowserService    \
             ibm.nways.jdm.traceroute.TraceRouteService \
             ibm.nways.perfhook.ModelListener \

  3. Save the file.

  4. Restart the JMA server using the command:
      ovstart JMAintegrator

In addition to minimizing both network traffic and the size of your performance database, stopping automatic polling will have these effects:

To restore automatic polling, reverse the changes described above to return the JdmServerProperties.txt file to its original state.
Note:Over-polling devices can result in degradation of performance for both the device and the device-management application. If you encounter these types of performance degradation, review your polling configuration.

Web Server Settings

All the Web servers have to be configured to listen to the client on port 80 (the default port in most of the servers).

Apache Web Server

Add the following lines in the given order to the file:

Alias /nways "/Nways_root/CML/JMA/java/websvr"
Alias /cgi/code "/Nways_root/CML/JMA/java/websvr/code"
ScriptAlias /cgi "/Nways_root/CML/JMA/java/websvr"

Server_root: The directory where the Apache Websvr is installed.

Nways_root: The directory where the Nways product is installed.

Netscape Web Server

  1. Go to the server main page and check whether the Server is ON.

  2. Select Programs menu from the top of the page.

    1. Select CGI File Type.

    2. Select Yes for Activate CGI as a file type.

  3. Select Content Management from the top menu.

    Select Additional Document Directories and add the following lines:

    URL prefix: nways
    Map To Directory: /Nways_root/CML/JMA/java/websvr
    URL prefix: cgi
    Map To Directory: /Nways_root/CML/JMA/java/websvr

Domino Web Server

  1. Go to
    (Machine--where you have installed the Domino Web Server.)

  2. Select Configuration and Administration Forms

  3. Select Request Routing

  4. Add the following lines in the given order:
    Action Request Template Replacement File Path









Web Access for ATM Manager

Before you can use the ATM Manager via a Web browser, you must configure your Web server as follows:

  1. Enter the following commands in the configuration file of your Web server, making sure that the two "Pass" statements are entered in this order:
       Exec           /atm-bin/*      /usr/CML/ATMWEB/bin/*
       Pass           /atm-html/*     /usr/CML/ATMWEB/html/*
       Pass           /*              /a directory path/*

  2. Reset the Web server by entering the appropriate command; for example:
       refresh -s httpd

Remote Monitor

Before you can use Remote Monitor, you must set the RMONHOME environment variable to point to the directory where it has been installed. It is installed by default in /usr/LANReMon/rmon. To set the RMONHOME environment variable in your .profile and add it to your default path, add the following to your .profile:

      export RMONHOME
      export PATH

Traffic Monitor

Before you can use Traffic Monitor, you must set the TRAFFICMONHOME environment variable to point to the directory where it has been installed. It is installed by default in /usr/LANReMon/trafficmon. To set the TRAFFICMONHOME environment variable in your .profile and add it to your default path, add the following to your .profile:

      export PATH

Before starting Traffic Monitor, you must also create the following database:

/usr/LANReMon/trafficmon/tfm_dbcreate <db_dir> <db_link>
ln -s <db_dir>.dbs /usr/LANReMon/trafficmon/<db_link>.dbs

Where <db_dir> is the directory where the database will be stored, and <db_link> is the name of the database and the name of the link that must be created in the /usr/LANReMon/trafficmon directory.

The <db_link> is normally tfm and the actual link name is tfm.dbs.

Nways Deployment Manager

Nways Deployment Manager requires the creation of a DB2 database with a database name, user ID, and password all set to ConfigMan.

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